Kirby + Vite + Tailwind + Threejs
Yes, that’s a mouthful but I’ve been playing around with Kirby a lot the last few days (trying to recreate SP9 with it and see what is possible and what is not) and it’s been a blast.
The idea with this development stack is to have a quick way of developing and deploying the website and keep it very light at the same time. I’ve been a fan of Vite.js since I’ve stumbled upon it a few months ago. The ability to quickly set up a development environment and start coding was a dream. Plus adding support for TailwindCSS and implementing Three.js animations was such an easy undertaking that I wanted to move this approach over to Kirby and see if it’s doable, and it is!
Now I’m not 100% sure yet if I move from WordPress to Kirby, but it seems to be the obvious choice (Hugo still has some chance, Statamic is out for sure though). Another question is if I just finish recreating SP9 or if I start with Kirby on SP10 (or SPX).
With my time off from work almost over, I’m not sure how much time I can spare in my free time with working 100%. It would be a cool project but there is other stuff in my head that wants to get some free time as well. Maybe by the end of the week, I have some idea on how to proceed.