Let’s recap December of 2018, shall we?
So this is it, the last recap of the year, well not exactly, this is the last monthly recap, a recap of the whole 2018 will still follow sometime this week (hopefully).
But yes it has been a busy month actually. I released two videos this month, though technically Juicy Finish was done in November, came up with some ideas for future movie projects and took a lot of pictures (latest one being today’s featured image) to get to know the camera. So apart from Juicy Finish (which was shot on my old Sony a5000) I recently released a Promo Video for Zum Lange Inseli with my new Camera the Sony a7III. It was a fun experience and shows that I’m on the right track by just doing videos and don’t worry too much about the quality (though with the upcoming ‘Reflection’ Short Film I’m currently preparing I notice that I’m starting to think too much about compositions instead of choosing something and go with it).
Besides being a busy month it was also an expensive month with my new Workstation and all that comes with it and all the moviemaking gear I bought. But I do think I’m prepared for the new year to put those new toys to work. I don’t have any excuses anymore to NOT make something.
But I think that’s it for this month's recap, especially since a more detailed recap of the whole year is planned for the next few days. So now it’s time for me to get ready for a chilling evening among friends. This is the moment where I say goodbye to everyone, have a nice evening and a good start into the new year, see you on the other side…