Let’s recap June of 2018, shall we?
I feel like the number of posts per month is dropping rapidly (8 in May and only 4 in June) which is not a good sign and I need to change that fast, so that’s one of my resolutions for July. Apart from that, it was a somewhat productive month with my 100 Day Drawing Challenge (currently on day 25) and the design project at work which sucked up a lot of creative energy and it seems to go on a bit further. On the other hand, I need to learn to have multiple projects at the same time!
I was also drawing on real paper for once and bought myself a drawing book to draw in, but the pressure there is a lot higher because correcting something drawn with ink is not possible but it’s a fun alternative to drawing on the iPad.
I also bought a new font for the headings, the old one was nice and all but the non-upper-case style and the width of certain characters started to bother me, so I looked for a new font type and found one which I think looks much much better.
So what is the plan for July, the hottest month of the year? Post more, keep drawing and damn it start writing stories or just film stuff and don’t worry about how good it is, I cannot improve if I never start something!