April 2019

I was in London for a few days

I know it’s been a while since my last blog post but first I was sick for a few days and then there was a quick trip to London for just a few days to just get out of Switzerland for a few days and … more →

Winter is finally here!!!

Wait what? Did I miss something? No no, it’s April I know, but still, the most important Winter is finally here. 8 more days and the most anticipated season of all time will finally arrive. Ok for … more →

Start working with Google Tag Manager?

For work, I had to dive into Google Tag Manager which was for me a completely new area. It’s a complex area but I think I slowly get the hang of it, even though it’s not really my favorite subject … more →

Getting into Street Photography

Because making movies or short films or just videos right now is not that easy for me, I started to turn to photography. I mean I will be able to learn compositions in still photography as well and … more →

What's the Dealio with the Counter?

I guess you must be wondering why they're suddenly is a counter on top and why abandon the red color and use purple now? Well, this whole look isn’t new, a year ago I had this look already and it’s … more →

Let's reboot this fucker

It’s been some time since my last post and I think It’s time to get back to the basics. I’m having a hard time recently thinking and doing creative things. The year started good with shooting … more →