Let’s recap October of 2018, shall we?
In a way, I did my recap two days ago with an in-depth look back on the making of my first short film “Movie Night”. But I want to keep up this year’s tradition of a monthly recap (at least for another two months).
It was a special month, having three weeks off from work (which allowed me to make this short film), receiving the good news of having a new job much much closer to home next year and of course also my birthday (I’m now in my last year in my 30s).
Apart from the short film, I also started to make a lot more pictures with my Sony a5000. It was a good practice to get to know the 3 most important settings: Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO. But I also got frustrated with the limitations of that camera, especially in low light conditions, that’s why a new camera will be purchased soon. I know that the kit lens isn’t the best and with a better lens I might make better pictures in low light, but I rather invest in a better camera and better lenses now than stick with a 5-year-old camera with lots of limitations.
Ok, I was about to go into other things, but the Apple Event just finished and … WHAT THE FUCK APPLE!?!?!? No new iMac? The currently sold iMacs are 512 days old, yet the prices remain the same. I’m disappointed and currently out of ideas of what do to next.