Only two more challenges two go

Week four and days 22 to 28 and I’m crawling to the finish line, glad when I passed it. So here’s the past week:

Day 22 – Something you miss

The week started with a real emotional rollercoaster. I knew from the very start what I would draw this day and then actually be drawing it was something I loved but in the end, seeing it and thinking back to my cat Cosmo made me so emotional that I actually had to cry. I really love this drawing and I will cherish it always!

30 days drawing challenge - Day 22

Day 23 – Something you need

After the emotional drawing from Day 22, this was something quick and dirty but something so true to the moment I was drawing it. I need more sleep :) Drawing my favorite cartoon character again was just a bonus :p

30 days drawing challenge - Day 23

Day 24 – Something Wild

I thought often about something wild, me doing something wild, seeing something wild or I don’t know someone wild. And then it hit me, Wild Child from the Baseball Movie Major League. I saw that movie in the mid-90’s while on vacation in the states and Baseball is something not popular here so it was all new to me. But I enjoyed this movie so much and I still do. Charlie Sheen's intro in the 3rd act is genius!

30 days drawing challenge - Day 24

Day 25 – Scenery

I was drawing scenery before when drawing ‘inspiration’. So I tried to invest e bit more and I think it turned out quite nicely. The clouds were most tricky but I think they look quite good :)

30 days drawing challenge - Day 25

Day 26 – Something you don’t like

Everyone has a lot of things they don’t like, and for me, that’s not different. But in the end, I’ve chosen the one thing I just can’t stand eating or even smelling.

30 days drawing challenge - Day 26

Day 27 – Someone you Love

The single most difficult challenge of the whole thing was this one. I thought 27 days about what to draw on this day and in the end, I was able to think of anything. The result is something that was put together in a rather sad moment, which reminded me that drawing can be therapeutical. I felt better after drawing it.

30 days drawing challenge - Day 27

Day 28 – Anything you’d like

It felt liberating to draw just something I want, I actually wanted to draw David Fincher before, on the ‘inspiration’ challenge but I thought Fincher is not right for that challenge. But here it was just perfect. So I started and ended the week with a drawing I really really like.

30 days drawing challenge - Day 28

What’s interesting is that the more time and the more invested I am into the task the better the result looks, of course, there are still exceptions. So there are only 2 challenges left and I’m kinda glad it’s over soon, even though I so far had a blast doing it.